--> thankful <--

We spent Thanksgiving in our little apartment. 
My parents drove up & we spent the day cooking/watching football. 

I also love spending thanksgiving morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. 
I love broadway, so seeing the musical numbers makes the day extra special. 

We sent our extended family selfless so they could feel like they were with us. 
My duck face is so strong. (& ugly)

Daphne slept most of the day… as usual. 

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I need the reminder to be thankful.
I know it sounds terrible, but my heart can be quite negative.
I need the reminder.

I am thankful for: 

1. My relationship with Christ.
2. A loving husband.
3. A cuddly puppy that greets me after a long day of work. 
4. Our new(ish) little space. 
5. A job that challenges me to be a better person every single day.
6. My Mommy. 
7. Group Texting. -- some people hate being apart of these but I have been loving my group texts with my family and my PBU buddies. 
8. The little plants that grow inside little pots that hang out in my little apartment. These stupid plants make me soooo happy. Taking care of them is so calming. 

I pray that this thankful heart remains throughout this entire holiday season (&beyond)
What are you thankful for?

Lynn Raye

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